Crunchyroll Gift Card

Buy a Crunchyroll gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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Crunchyroll is an American company that offers an on-demand platform for Asian films, series, mangas and anime. Crunchyroll is a subsidiary of Warner Media. Crunchyroll has become a very popular platform for manga and anime fans in the last few years. Crunchyroll also has a webshop where fan articles, books and manga magazines are offered. For the ad-free access to you need a paid account. You can buy Crunchyroll credit cards at with crypto currencies like Bitcoins, Litecoins, Bitcoincash or other Altcoins.

How do I redeem the Crunchyroll coupon?

Visit the page and enter the coupon code. The code will be sent to you directly after successful purchase.

What can I purchase with the Crunchyroll voucher?

With the Crunchyroll voucher you can purchase a premium membership. Premium Memberships are available with terms of 1, 3 or 12 months.

What is the advantage of a Premium Membership on Crunchyroll?

With this membership you can view articles without advertising and also receive exclusive access to new publications. You will receive access to the episode with English subtitles 1 hour after the episode has been released in Japan. A Premium Member can also watch the offered films and series in a higher resolution.

Do I need an account to use the Crunchyroll voucher?

To use the credit balance of the card a user account on is required.

Is the Crunchyroll voucher suitable as a gift?

If you are looking for a gift for an anime or manga fan, the Crunchyroll gift voucher is the ideal gift. The digital voucher code can either be printed out or sent contactless via Messenger or e-mail across national borders.

Crunchyroll on VRV

Terms and Conditions Valid towards VRV service in the US only. The entire value shall be credited to your VRV account upon redemption. Nonrefundable or redeemable for cash, except where required by law. This card does not expire and may not be resold. Ellation is not responsible for lost or stolen cards or unauthorized use. See for full terms. Cards are issued by Ellation, Inc.