ecoVoucher Gift Card

Buy a ecoVoucher gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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With ecoVoucher you can pay online in a simple and secure way as if you were using ordinary cash. Simply buy an ecoVoucher PIN at and use it to pay online at websites that accept ecoVouchers. You don't need a bank account or credit card, so everyone can access it. The ecoVoucher PIN will be sent to you via email. ecoVoucher is one of the safest ways to pay online, as you only need to enter the 18-digit ecoVoucher PIN. Just like paying cash, you do not give out any personal or financial information, so you can pay securely online. Just like the cash in your pocket, you must keep your ecoVoucher safe and use it carefully. Make sure you follow our security tips to avoid losing your money.

How can I pay online with EcoVoucher?

Paying in online shops with ecoVoucher is easier and safer than using your credit card or personal bank account. You do not have to enter your personal data when paying, you only have to enter the 18-digit ecoVoucher PIN.

How do I keep my ecoVoucher-PIN safe?

Treat your ecoVoucher PIN like cash. That means, do not leave the code in public view for others to see. Do not share your PIN with other people via e-mail or messenger.

How long is my ecoVoucher voucher valid?

The ecoVoucher voucher is valid for a full year from the date of purchase. Please note that you have to spend your credit at once. Alternatively, European users will soon be able to top up their account on the homepage of

Is the ecoVoucher gift card suitable as a gift ?

The ecoVoucher voucher is a very good gift. Like cash, it can be used very individually.

Can the ecoVoucher pin be passed on or sent to other people?

Yes, you can. The advantage over cash is that it can also be sent very quickly to friends and relatives via e-mail, SMS or Messenger. In contrast to a bank transfer, no personal data has to be entered either.