Talabat Carte cadeau

Achetez une Talabat carte-cadeau avec Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero ou l’une des plus de 200 autres cryptomonnaies proposées. Après avoir payé, vous recevrez instantanément le code du bon par e-mail.

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Talabat est l'une des applications de commande de nourriture les plus populaires dans la région du CCG, qui prend en charge une vaste gamme de restaurants et de cafés. Vous pouvez utiliser la boutique en ligne ou l'application Talabat pour commander votre plat préféré quand vous le souhaitez, et il est possible d'utiliser les cartes-cadeaux Talabat à des fins de paiement. Si vous souhaitez acheter ces cartes-cadeaux, ne cherchez pas plus loin que Coinsbee. C'est une plate-forme en ligne où vous pouvez utiliser la monnaie numérique comme méthode de paiement. Ainsi, sur Coinsbee, vous pouvez acheter des cartes-cadeaux Talabat avec Bitcoin, Binance Coin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Tether, NANO et 200 autres devises numériques populaires.


Comment utiliser vos cartes-cadeaux Talabat ?

Une fois que vous aurez payé avec succès vos cartes-cadeaux Talabat sur Coinsbee, vous recevrez un e-mail. Il contiendra toutes les informations importantes nécessaires au processus de rachat. Après avoir reçu ces informations, vous devrez vous rendre sur la boutique en ligne officielle de Talabat et commander la nourriture souhaitée. Sur la page de paiement, vous devrez choisir l'option carte-cadeau et l'application vous demandera d'entrer les détails de votre carte-cadeau Talabat. Après traitement, la valeur de votre carte cadeau Talabat sera appliquée sur votre facture.

Quand expirent les cartes-cadeaux Talabat ?

Toutes les cartes-cadeaux Talabat que vous achetez sur Coinsbee expirent 6 mois après leur date d'émission. La société n'offre pas de services de revalidation contre les cartes-cadeaux Talabat expirées. Vous devrez donc vous assurer de les échanger tant qu'ils sont valides.

Pour quelles raisons pouvez-vous utiliser les cartes-cadeaux Talabat ?

Vous pouvez utiliser ces cartes-cadeaux pour commander de la nourriture dans n'importe quel restaurant ou café pris en charge par l'application Talabat. Il n'est pas possible d'échanger les cartes-cadeaux Talabat contre de l'argent, et elles sont également non retournables et non remboursables.

Talabat BH

This eGift Card will be activated within 48 hours from the time of purchase. Each eGift card can be used only once as it is only valid for a single transaction. This eGift Card is only applicable for registered customers and for online payments. The order value has to be a minimum of BHD 0.1 over the face value of the eGift Card, for the discount to be applied successfully. The balance amount on the order can be paid through other online payment methods. The voucher will not cover the delivery charges and they have to be paid through different mode of payments. This eGift code cannot be used in conjunction with any other code & is not valid on Talabat daily. The voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase, but if redeemed and not used in an order the voucher is transferred to Vouchers section where it is valid for 30 days. This eGift will be applicable only on ordering online through Talabat app or in Bahrain. Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded. YouGotaGift.com does not accept cashback, refunds or returns.

Talabat KW

This eGift Card will be activated within 48 hours from the time of purchase. Each eGift card can be used only once as it is only valid for a single transaction. This eGift Card is only applicable for registered customers and for online payments. The order value has to be a minimum of KWD 0.1 over the face value of the eGift Card, for the discount to be applied successfully. The balance amount on the order can be paid through other online payment methods. The voucher will not cover the delivery charges and they have to be paid through different mode of payments. This eGift code cannot be used in conjunction with any other code & is not valid on Talabat daily. The voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase, but if redeemed and not used in an order the voucher is transferred to Vouchers section where it is valid for 30 days. This eGift will be applicable only on ordering online through Talabat app or in Kuwait. Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded. YouGotaGift.com does not accept cashback, refunds or returns.

Talabat OM

This eGift Card will be activated within 48 hours from the time of purchase. Each eGift card can be used only once as it is only valid for a single transaction. This eGift Card is only applicable for registered customers and for online payments. The order value has to be a minimum of OMR 0.1 over the face value of the eGift Card, for the discount to be applied successfully. The balance amount on the order can be paid through other online payment methods. The voucher will not cover the delivery charges and they have to be paid through different mode of payments. This eGift code cannot be used in conjunction with any other code & is not valid on Talabat daily. The voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase, but if redeemed and not used in an order the voucher is transferred to Vouchers section where it is valid for 30 days. This eGift will be applicable only on ordering online through Talabat app or in Oman. Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded. YouGotaGift.com does not accept cashback, refunds or returns.

Talabat UAE

Talabat is an online store.Each eGift card can be used only once as it is only valid for a single transaction.This eGift Card is only applicable for registered customers and for online payments.The order value has to be a minimum of AED 1 over the face value of the eGift Card, for the discount to be applied successfully. The balance amount on the order can be paid through other online payment methods.The voucher will not cover the delivery charges and they have to be paid through different mode of payments.This eGift code cannot be used in conjunction with any other code & is not valid on Talabat daily.The voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase, but if redeemed and not used in an order the voucher is transferred to Vouchers section where it is valid for 30 days.This eGift will be applicable only on ordering online through Talabat app or in UAE.Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.

This eGift Card will be activated within 48 hours from the time of purchase. Each eGift card can be used only once as it is only valid for a single transaction. This eGift Card is only applicable for registered customers and for online payments. The order value has to be a minimum of AED 1 over the face value of the eGift Card, for the discount to be applied successfully. The balance amount on the order can be paid through other online payment methods. The voucher will not cover the delivery charges and they have to be paid through different mode of payments. This eGift code cannot be used in conjunction with any other code & is not valid on Talabat daily. The voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase, but if redeemed and not used in an order the voucher is transferred to Vouchers section where it is valid for 30 days. This eGift will be applicable only on ordering online through Talabat app or in UAE. Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded. YouGotaGift.com does not accept cashback, refunds or returns.