Virgin Megastore 礼品卡

使用比特币、莱特币、门罗币或超过200种其他加密货币之一购买Virgin Megastore礼品卡。支付后,您将立即通过电子邮件收到兑换码。




check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

Virgin Megastore 是阿联酋著名的市场,提供各种产品。从音乐、书籍、玩具、文具和家居用品到男士和女士的美容和时尚产品,这家商店应有尽有。现在您可以使用 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡购买这些产品。 Coinsbee 是为 4000 多个跨国和国内品牌(包括 Virgin Megastore)购买礼品卡的合适在线平台。在这个平台上,您可以使用加密货币来购买 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡,而不是您的法定货币。除此之外,该平台可在全球超过 185 个不同的国家/地区使用。


如何兑换您的 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡?

从 Coinsbee 购买 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡后,您将立即收到一封电子邮件。它将包含您在礼品卡兑换过程中所需的所有信息。
您需要打印您的 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡才能在 Virgin Megastore 商店兑换它们。获得印刷形式的 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡后,您需要将它们带到最近的 Virgin Megastore。之后,您需要选择所有想要购买的商品,并在结账时向收银员出示打印的 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡。这就是您的 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡的价值将如何应用于您的购买。

Virgin Megastore 礼品卡何时到期?

您从 Coinsbee 购买的 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡在发行日期三个月后到期。在此期间,您可以从官方 Virgin Megastore 购买任何您想要的东西。

您可以使用 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡做什么?

您可以使用您的 Virgin Megastore 礼品卡从官方 Virgin Megastore 购买您想要的任何产品。请记住,Virgin Megastore 礼品卡不能兑换现金,您也不能使用它们购买其他礼品卡。此外,它们不可退款且不可退货,您需要确保在它们到期之前使用它们。

Virgin Megastore Egypt

Virgin Megastore is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.

Virgin Megastore Qatar

Brand Disclaimer

Virgin Megastore is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.

Terms & Conditions

This eGift Card is redeemable for any merchandise excluding event tickets across any Virgin Megastore in Qatar. This eGift Card is only valid for a one time purchase to the full value. Expired eGift cards cannot be extended or refunded.

Virgin Megastore Saudi Arabia

Brand Disclaimer

Virgin Megastore is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.

Terms & Conditions

This eGift card is redeemable for any merchandise offered in any Virgin Megastore across KSA This eGift card is only valid for a one time purchase to the full value. This eGift card can be exchanged for Virgin Megastore Gift Card in case of multiple purchase preference. Amount in the Gift Card is not refundable at Virgin Megastore premises. does not accept cashbacks, refunds or returns.

Virgin Megastore UAE

Brand Disclaimer

Virgin Megastore is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.

Terms & Conditions

This eGift Card is only valid for a one time purchase. Expired eGift cards cannot be extended or refunded.