登录到您的账户,选择 “Payment Information”。在这里,您可以在 “Gift or Promotional Code"下兑换12位数的优惠券代码。兑换后,积分将立即存入。
Internet access and valid credit card required to redeem the gift card and use the Hulu service. This gift card is valid for the Hulu service in one-month increments and may be cancelled at any time. When the gift card is fully redeemed, redeemer's credit card will be charged for subsequent months (plus applicable sales taxes and fees) unless cancelled prior to the monthly renewal date. To cancel, please visit the billing information section on your "Account" page. Hulu is not responsible for hardware issues related to your device's access to the Hulu service so please check with the applicable device maker for compatibility. Hulu gift cards are not refundable or redeemable for cash, either prior or subsequent to redemption, unless otherwise required by applicable law. Hulu is not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards or subscription codes. Visit www.hulu.com/gift to link to the complete terms and conditions. Hulu reserves the right to amend, modify or waive the terms and conditions from time to time in its sole discretion.